About Us

Since our start in 2006 we have been communicating via the universal language of sound to connect people, just like Underground Resistance did before us. Linke Soto, ‘linke soep’ in Dutch, is about mixing music and people without prejudice. Like in Indo culture we are open to everyone who shares our beliefs of non-exclusion: everyone’s welcome regardless of descent, colour, gender or sexual preference.

Soto Club

Soto Club is located within the Sphinx urban district, on the outskirts of Maastricht. This club on premise of the Muziekgieterij focuses on qualitative electronic music, including everything from house music to disco, techno and electro. By showcasing local artists and DJs mixed with talented headliners we want it to be more than just a club. Together with you we want to create a place where people can meet each other and where everyone can come as they are without the fear of being excluded.

Meet me at Soto Club.